Style,  Wellness

5 Steps to Building Clothing That Supports You

Soul sis, are you embarking on a wellness path to make positive changes to your life but unsure where to start building clothing to support your wellness? I put together at least 5 steps to building clothing that supports you.

It is about time you stop letting the old version of yourself make appearances in your clothing and choices when it comes to your style. If you are not aligning yourself with what supports you and your healing, you are doing yourself a disservice to the work you have been putting into making positive life changes.

Your clothing can help you get into the habit of practicing non-resistance. To no longer resist that you are on a wellness path and healing from who you were conditioned to be — by using the items you need to support your journey through intention setting.

Be intentional about how and for what purpose your clothing will empower you to achieve your goals. If your goal is to act as you already have what you desire, then dress like it. If your goal is to feel good no matter what, then dress like it. If your goal is to “be” the person you want to be, then dress like it.

Now that we understand where I’m going with this, let me give you a breakdown of these 5 steps.

Here are 5 steps to building clothing that supports you.

What are you taking away from the 5 steps to building clothing that supports you? Is there clothing in your closet currently that supports you and your wellbeing? 

Download my FREE lesson and guide today!

Get a free lesson sample of my course “Optimize Your Style To Become The Woman You Love” when you join the wardrobe healing experience here.

In this guide, learn how to love yourself more in clothing that flatters you and your body.

Love, Kindness & Light!