
Your Style Could Be A Reminder of Your Fears

Your Style Could Be A Reminder of Your Fears: Transform and Let Go

Photography by Alexandra Gorn

What if I told you that your style could be a reminder of your fears? Keep reading if you are ready for the truth, and how to change it.

I remember a time when my style was a reminder of my fears. I would only wear clothing I felt was safe for me to wear. But I was completely unaware that I was wearing clothing from a space of fear. It turns out, my style ended up catering to my comfort zone and not growth. In short, I preferred clothing that wouldn’t make me too visible. I was okay with clothing that was attached to mediocrity, and strayed away from clothing that just may honor my body.

It became clear that my style was a part of my fears and I needed to make a change if I wanted better in my life.

You know what I realized? I realized that I was in fear of getting to know a better version of myself, being courageous, and of my innate nature because I may not be accepted by my peers. So my style became a part of that fear. 

Sis, can you relate?

I didn’t connect my fears to my clothing because I felt that they were unrelated. And sis, I was wrong. Soon I realized that catering to clothes that only made me comfortable to familiar feelings was a disservice to my desire of becoming my best self.

I knew I deserved better. And so as I embarked on my wellness path, I allowed my style to evolve with me and started to use clothing as a journey to heal. I now only wear clothing to show up as the best version of myself and to manifest my desires.

My desire to embrace my past wounds. My desire to live a life I love. My desire to achieve my dreams. My desire to improve and strengthen the relationship within myself. And more.

All by using my style as an act of the way I wanted to show up and feel – like I was worth better.

Sis, are you over wearing clothing that could be a reminder of your fears?

Here are some examples of how your style could be a reminder of your fears:

★Your clothing doesn’t inspire you to take action on your dreams and desires.

★You are attracted to clothing that only offers you comfort. not confidence, and expansion.

★Your clothing doesn’t make you feel positive emotions, energetic, or lift your spirits.

★You are attached to clothing that connects you to a toxic past, negative feelings, and mediocrity.

★You select clothes based on a scarcity mindset and limiting beliefs.

★You are afraid to wear a style of clothing, accessories, and colors that makes you visible.

★You don’t feel comfortable in your skin and avoid clothing that would honor your body.

If any of these resonate with you, it is time that your clothing honors you and your growth.

It is time that you start updating your wardrobe in order for you to continue improving on your path to wellness.

Here are a few suggestions to use your wardrobe as a wellness practice and no longer align your style with fear:

★Start by letting go of clothing that doesn’t resonate with where you want to be and how you want to feel. Doesn’t make you look or feel like a woman who knows what she wants, let it go.

★Be more adventurous when it comes to the colors you choose to wear. Consider how the color makes you look and feel. If it makes you look and feel alive, then wear THAT color.

★Stretch yourself and wear a clothing style that you’ve never worn before. If its highlighting and honoring your favorite assets — go for it!

Remember, you want a wardrobe that looks and feels like you know your worth. How you feel is ultimately how you’ll act.

On your wellness path, are you ready for a style that nurtures your soul? If you are ready to do something about it start by downloading a FREE lesson sample of my course. In the lesson sample and guide, you’ll learn how you can start loving your body today.

Sending you love, light, and kindess.