
How I’m Living Freely Through the Pandemic

How I Have Made the Choice to Live Freely Through the Pandemic

The pandemic has been tough on us all in many ways and we have had to make A LOT of adjustments. Some have even managed to use this time as an opportunity to flourish once they found a way to navigate the uncertainties. I can say that I have been one of those people. I decided to do what is best for me by using this time to get deeply in touch with my inner self, set new goals, nurture healthy relationships I value and do some of the outdoorsy things I love. It has surely deemed fruitful as I continue to learn new things, adopt healthier habits and start new projects. How I have made the choice to live freely through the pandemic has been by developing a life in pursuit of God, light, love, abundance, peace and freedom.

I guess one can say that the pandemic has helped me form a healthier connection with my relationships, purpose and experiences. So much so, that I live with the feeling of protection, courage, and awareness. I do not trust everything that I hear within the media or from those that have not effectively done their own research on what is happening in the world of the pandemic. This way I am not negatively affected in my mind, soul and spirit by what I hear or being influenced by fear. I move with the spirit of light which opens me up to a beautiful world not dictated by man. Understanding that no one can control the power of God, the universe and spiritual law helps me navigate more freely.

Most recently I allowed my heart to guide me and visited one of my favorite places, Palm Springs. I vacationed there with family for the holiday weekend and we created beautiful memories. It was just what I needed to feel free from the controls of the pandemic. If you haven’t noticed, my personality flows like the air and being in nature is soothing to me. I like the freedom to do what I want, when I want (of course with more caution since the pandemic). Doing things my way makes me feel free and less controlled.

These are some of how I have made the choice to live freely through the pandemic:

  1. Control the information I receive and whom I receive it from.
  2. Getting outdoors to experience nature.
  3. Regularly get out into the sun for some vitamin D and healing.
  4. Listen to and be around people that add joy to my life.
  5. Retreat to daily wellness practices.
  6. Read books that help with personal development.
  7. Care less about what others think about what I do and how.
  8. Give energy to the things that I love and that helps with growth.
  9. Learning acceptance and understanding to bring balance to my life.
  10. Adjust my perspective to a more positive state of mind and spirit.
  11. Travel with loved ones to continue to experience the joys of living and being.
  12. Psalm 91.

In what ways have you started to live freely through the pandemic? Have you been getting out more to enjoy life? I would love to hear how you are doing what’s best for you during this time. What do you think of how I have made the choice to live freely through the pandemic?

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