Why Your Own Response to Your Appearance is Important
The Way You Respond to Your Appearance Is Important
Ever notice the way you respond to what you are wearing when feeling at your best and when you are not? I do. I remember the first time I realized my own response to my appearance, it changed how I looked at style forever. Nowadays, besides choosing wardrobe based on my personal style and taste, I choose based on my own response to what I am wearing. It is what is most important to me when it comes to my appearance. I believe it is because I feel more like myself. That is why the way you respond to your appearance is important because of how you will feel about yourself and what you are wearing complements those feelings.
The way you respond to your appearance is more important than someone else’s response to your appearance. Let’s think of it this way. If you know you look good based on how well you feel in your outfit, the way they respond is a bonus. How you respond makes a difference in your mood, actions, energy and helps determine how others will see you. It can subconsciously build up your confidence or tear it down. Your feelings are truly valid.
I don’t know about you, but my appearance drives my energy and mood. It matters how well I present myself so much because how I’ll see and treat myself, I know others will too. It’s like whether you know your worth or not, you teach others how to through your actions. Naturally, I put time into my clothing choices every day, even when I may not feel my best, because it helps uplift my mood even when I dress the opposite of what I may be feeling at the time. I do my best to make sure that in whatever I wear it makes me feel great from the inside and out. I want to look and feel my best at all times.
My own response to this look I’m wearing makes me feel self-assured and confident. I felt a positive rise in my energy as I was feeling comfortable in my own skin, creative and beautiful. If my appearance didn’t make me feel positive and well put together, I would not wear it. It’s really as simple as that for me.
Is your response to your appearance important to you? I could imagine that it does matter. I would love to know why the way you respond to your appearance is important.
Thanks for stopping by and reading this post. I believe that it’s an important topic, especially since it’s about the feelings that we have for ourselves and how we present it to others. I hope it was a great takeaway for you. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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