
Personal Shopping

Personal Shopping (Hourly Service)

Our wardrobe closet carries the energy, purpose and the story we want tell the world. At least that’s how your clothing should resonate with you and your unique identity. It’s important that you communicate messages about yourself that speak to who you are and who you are becoming.

Do you feel like what’s in your closet closely defines you? Are you having challenges when it comes to shopping for clothing?

The problems you may have with shopping are:

  • You’re too busy and don’t have time
  • You have trouble finding the best clothing styles that fit who you are
  • Unsure what flatters your body
  • Don’t find shopping fun
  • Overwhelmed with so many choices
  • Don’t know where to start
  • Current style doesn’t reflect who you are
  • Usually settle for whatever you can find
  • Don’t trust your choices
  • Suffer from impulse buying
  • Not good with planning before you shop

There are two ways we can make this happen. After our wardrobe healing consultation, we can shop together, or we can shop for you. Either way, we make the selections that identify with you, raise your vibration and complement your journey. We will keep a digital board of what you should be looking for in the future or this can be a continual service provided to you.

Let us help you get in touch with your highest self and attract all that you desire through your style.

$250/an hour (Subscription Service and Price Available on Request)

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